Getting Involved in our Community

Arundel WI in the Community

With a host of skills, experience, knowledge, energy and enthusiasm Arundel WI members have an enormous amount to offer the local community. This page is about opportunities that you might want to be involved with in some way.  (If you know of something others might be interested in getting involved with let us know!)

Arundel Festival 

Arundel Festival would welcome your support in becoming a volunteer to assist with a variety of volunteering roles.

If you are interested in becoming involved and would like more information, please get in touch with Team Arundel at

Arundel Farmers Market

Arundel Farmers Market  would welcome your support in becoming a volunteer to assist with a variety of volunteering roles.

If you are interested in becoming involved and would like more information, please get in touch with Tracy at

Arundel Museum

We need Visitor Welcome, ad hoc events help and more.

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more


We have two drop in sessions Friday 15th March 2.00pm – 3.30pm and Saturday 16th March 10.30am – 12 noon

Otherwise, please just email.


Greening Arundel

In 2023, Arundel-based organisations involved in greening projects came together to form the “Greening Arundel” network, explicitly to build synergy, enhance sustainability and harness collective potential to make Arundel greener and cleaner.

The following organisations are participating in the Greening Arundel network: Arundel Agenda 21, the Arundel Bee Project, Arundel Gardens Association, the Community Apiary, the Community Orchard, Friends of Priory Pocket Park, Arundel Tree Wardens. The network is coordinated by a committee representing member organisations, as well as Arundel Community Partnership, Arundel Town Council, Arundel Castle Garden, the Chamber of Commerce and the South Downs Park Authority.

All members are committed to building a network that adds value to individual projects, for example through creating a central database of volunteers, sharing equipment and other resources, and advocating collectively.g

to find out more contact

Elevenses - The Community Cuppa

 Arundel Lido is the proud home of Elevenses - the 'Community Cuppa'. Launched on 17th May 2021 bringing together and supporting the older community in Arundel and surrounding areas. The sessions main focus was to support people and their families living with Dementia.

Working with local partners within the town we bring together local people, identify issues and work to offer support where possible.

If you are free on a Monday from 11-1 pop along and maybe become a volunteer or sponsor?

Arundel Lido Marquee, Queen Street, Arundel BN18 9JG  01903 884772

The Repair Cafe

The Repair Cafe is looking for volunteers in all sorts of roles from repairing or mending to helping supply refreshments at their monthly hub in the Norfolk Centre, Mill Road Arundel. If you are interested or would like to find out more please contact them at

West Sussex British Red Cross

Are looking for volunteers to help with Fund Raising - specifically 4-10 May for Collection Week but also into the future.

There is a First Aid Qualification Course in conjunction with the museum in October for those interested. 

To find out more please contact Sarah Collins on 07787 507414

Arundel Players

Our wonderful local theatre group, based at the Priory Theatre in Arundel is looking for volunteers for all sorts of roles! Interested or intrigued?

Please get in touch

Dawn Smithers 0791 7834456