Becoming a member

Being a member of Arundel WI gives you so much

Membership for 2025 -2026 is open now- get in touch or come along to our next meeting!

Once you have joined you are invited to enjoy

It's really easy to join us

Keeping in  touch with our members

We keep in touch with members to update them on what's happening in a variety of ways

Making Friends

One of the main concerns of new members is 'How do I get to know other members?' It is a valid question and one we have tried to come up with a good answer to!

When you first come to a meeting we will introduce you to some of the members and we have a refreshment and mingle session every meeting where we encourage members to talk to someone they have never spoken to before. We try and have several meetings during the year that encourage mixing, interaction and chatting during the meeting as well as a variety of events during the year including meals out and trips where the opportunity to get to know each other is always there.

We encourage you to join a group or groups as we have found getting to know other members is easier with a small group.

Ideas from members about how we can improve in this area are most welcome.

But, ultimately it is up to you - all our members want to get to know each other so all our meetings, groups and events are SAFE opportunities to speak to someone you've never spoken to before. No-one will judge you and maybe you just won't 'click' with the first person you speak to, or even the second - but keep going as you never know when you will meet someone who will just get you or someone who you never thought could be a friend, who makes you laugh like a girl!

This is  a COPY of the application form needed to join Arundel WI - if you choose to join you will be given a paper copy to complete. 

If you have any concerns please let us know?