Thinking about joining Arundel WI?

There are WI groups across the country and there is going to be one in travelling distance from where you live. 

Every WI has a different personality - before you join one, try a few and work out which is the right 'fit' for you. 

If you would be interested in joining or visiting us in the future please get in touch at

The best way of seeing if it's for you is to come along to one of our monthly meetings and see for yourself - they are held every 1st Wednesday in the month at the Cathedral Centre, London Road, Arundel.  The first meeting is free, the second will cost £5 after which time we would ask you to join. Membership for the year 2025/6 April - March is  £51. 

(if you join later in the year it could be lower).

Why join the Arundel WI?


We are a relatively new WI, our first meeting was in August 2022. Those of us involved in setting it up wanted it to be an Arundel & the surrounding areas based group for women over the age of 18 where you could meet new and old friends, learn something new, share skills & experiences, be in a place of safety & sanctuary without judgement, could help others and hopefully have fun at the same time? 


Monthly Meetings

We hold our monthly meetings at the Cathedral Centre, London Road, Arundel BN18 9BA. Normally on the first Wednesday of the month between 7 and 9pm. The staple of any WI, the meetings are included in your membership fees and give members the chance to learn new skills, listen to interesting speakers, find out about national WI campaign issues and to meet friends. Some of these meetings may only be open to members and we cannot accept visitors at them, this will be explained on the meetings programme - but please ask if you are uncertain. 

  (To find out more about this years programme go to Our Monthly Meetings)

Groups, Events & Activities

Being a member of AWI gives you access to our groups & activities. 

We currently have a number of groups including Book Club, Cinema Group, Craft Club, WI Arundel Gastronomy Society (WAGS), Family History Group, Art Group and Walking Netball and more. We intend starting a new group wherever there is interest shown to do so. Groups are organised outside of the AWI main meetings by members of Arundel WI and are often held in members homes or local pubs. Any additional cost involved in these groups are in addition to the annual WI membership fee.

We often arrange 'visits' to places of interest which have included local restaurants, Nutbourne Vineyard, Aldingbourne Trust and the House of Commons. We visited Crosslands Nursery , Wiston Vineyard, London Museum(s), HMS Victory and more in 2024. 

Plans for 2025 will be announced as they are organised.

Membership Involvement

We are really keen to get as much membership involvement in everything we do - from setting up and serving refreshments to organising outings or events. If you would be interested in getting more involved please let the committee know.


What we've done in our first Two Years!

In our first few months we have had presentations from an ex Chair of the National Federation of Women's Institute, a talk from the Arundel Tour Guide and a Crafting Workshop covering a variety of crafts, our first Christmas Social, we've discussed Colour & Image and How Hats  can give you confidence, we had a talk from Arundel's Town Crier and Celebrated the Coronation !  

We've visited a variety of restaurants and cafes, two vineyards, been to the House of Commons, enjoyed several movies at the cinema, read a number of books, visited local Alstroemeria Nursery - Crosslands, put the world to rights over a few drinks and craft projects, won a few Quiz Nights and explored our family trees. We even held a Charity Vintage Fashion Show where we raised over £3500!  

Two of our members were lucky enough to win £500 bursaries towards the cost of the training course of their choice. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed talks from the Duke of Norfolk, Dr Justine Hextall, AWI member Jane Slattery and Local historian Mark Philips to name just a few!

Take a look at this Youtube slide show video of our first year Our First Year to see just a few of the many photos from the last year!

National & Regional WI activities


Arundel WI members have access to events arranged by the West Sussex WI (WSFWI), the National WI (NFWI) or The WI Learning HUB. These range from arts & crafts, cookery, personal development and fitness tasters to history and geographical interest.

Our meetings are held monthly in the Cathedral Centre, London Road, Arundel BN18 9BA - usually the first Wednesday in the month from 7-9pm. Opposite the gates to the Fauna Brewery.

There is usually plenty of parking nearby on the roadside with the exception of December when there are often local school carol concerts in the Cathedral around the same time in the evening when parking can be a challenge! 

Groups and events are held throughout the year in various locations.